Saturday, November 14, 2015

12 Lakh Power Employees, Engineers Threaten to Go on Strike

12 Lakh Power Employees, Engineers Threaten to Go on Strike
The National Coordination Committee of Electricity Employees and Engineers has already served the strike notice to PM with copies to Union Power Minister, Union Labour Minister and Chief Ministers of all states.
Lucknow:  Around 12 lakh power employees and engineers across the country will go on one-day strike on the day Electricity (Amendment) Bill is presented in Parliament during the Monsoon session beginning tomorrow.

Despite the opposition of power employees and engineers to the Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2014, it has been put on agenda of Lok Sabha and can come up anytime between July 21 and August 13, Chairman of All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) Shailendra Dubey said in Lucknow today.

"Hence, powermen throughout the country have been alerted to observe strike/work boycott on that day," he said.

Opposing the bill, Mr Dubey alleged the amendments were not based upon ground realities and were in the interest of private players.

"This will make state power utilities financially bankrupt as the amendments in electricity bill seeks to segregate the power distribution network from electricity supply business... this is basically anti-people and does not look at root cause of power sector ailments," he said.

Stressing that 18 states have already opposed the bill, which is before the Standing Committee of Parliament on Energy, Mr Dubey said the Centre is bent upon passing the bill to facilitate corporate houses.

"This is not acceptable to power employees and engineers," he warned.

The National Coordination Committee of Electricity Employees and Engineers (NCCOEEE) has already served the strike/ work boycott notice to Prime Minister with copies to Union Power Minister, Union Labour Minister and Chief Ministers of all states, he said.

The signatories of strike/work boycott notice are All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF), All India Federation of Power Diploma Engineers (AIFPDE), All India Electricity Employees Federation (AITUC), Electricity Employees Federation of India (CITU), Indian National Electricity Workers Federation (INTUC), All India Power Mens Federation and some independent worker unions in other states, Mr Dubey added.

The bill seeks to segregate the power distribution network from electricity supply business.

It envisages is to provide customers the option to choose their electricity service providers and is expected to bring more competition and improve quality of services in the power distribution segment.

The bill, which also seeks to introduce multiple supply licensees in the market, was introduced in Parliament in December last year.

Thereafter, it was sent to Parliamentary Standing Committee on Energy for perusal. The panel had submitted its report in May.

The Standing Committee had expressed reservations on proposed development of futures market for trading of power in the bill, saying it will result into artificial shortage of electricity which would push prices upwards.

The panel had also said the intention of the bill is to segregate the entire distribution network from the supply business.

23 Things All Engineers Go Through During College

Its 4 years of high and low and a crazy, crazy roller coaster ride. You know this. You've been there...felt it and it was just beyond amazing. Its a bunch of experiences and a lifetime of memories.

1. The sex ratio in your class

2. You have more exams that there are days in an year
 2. You have more exams that there are days in an year
3. Acquiring the unparalleled power of finishing a 500 page book overnight before exams, when it took you like forever to read a complete newspaper
3. Acquiring the unparalleled power of finishing a 500 page book overnight before exams, when it took
you like forever to read a complete newspaper

4. And then waking up excruciatingly sloppy the next day after an accidental nap during class because you managed to pull not one, but two consecutive all-nighters!
5. Trying to bribe the Gods a day before the results, hoping that a 100 Rs. note would save the day!
5. Trying to bribe the Gods a day before the results, hoping that a 100 Rs. note would save the day!
6. When you're given an assignment/report, you're like:
6. When you're given an assignment/report, you're like:
7. Ten hours before the deadline...
7. Ten hours before the deadline...
8. Five hours before the deadline...
8. Five hours before the deadline...
9. An hour before the deadline ...
9. An hour before the deadline
10. When this is what your fair notebook looks that is a master art piece in itself!
10. When this is what your fair notebook looks that is a master art piece in itself!
11. Almost all your family members suddenly start asking you to help repair a broken fridge, TV, Blender or any other household appliances since you are an "Engineer"!
11. Almost all your family members suddenly start asking you to help repair a broken fridge, TV, Blender
or any other household appliances since you are an
12. When this is how you feel during a class lecture.
12. When this is how you feel during a class lecture.
13. When nothing in your exam paper is even remotely related to what you've studied in class.
13. When nothing in your exam paper is even remotely related to what you've studied in class.
14. Although you had no hope of even passing a test, you somehow magically ace it and you enjoy the "I just aced that" moment!
14. Although you had no hope of even passing a test, you somehow magically ace it and you enjoy the
15. When your friends from Arts and Humanities class, talk about their plans to go out and hit the bar and party, when you spent your last birthday in a computer lab, Damn it!
15. When your friends from Arts and Humanities class, talk about their plans to go out and hit the bar and party, when you spent your last birthday in a computer lab, Damn it!
16. Your social calender is as empty as a stadium during a test match .
16. Your social calender is as empty as a stadium during a test match
17. If you're a girl...well you feel you've somehow landed on a different planet!
17. If you're a girl...well you feel you've somehow landed on a different planet!
18. Towards the end of any semester you realize that sleep is something for the weak and timid.
18. Towards the end of any semester you realize that sleep is something for the weak and timid.
19. When you realize that the individual questions on your assignment have a, b, c d and never ending subparts to it!
19. When you realize that the individual questions on your assignment have a, b, c d and never ending
subparts to it!
20. Whatever your work is, you take pride in it, despite your constant whining and complaining.
20. Whatever your work is, you take pride in it, despite your constant whining and complaining.
21. When you feel like a Matrix developer until some archaic coding language you’re pretty sure was delivered to Earth on a stone tablet from an alien planet where NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE.
21. When you feel like a Matrix developer until some archaic coding language you’re pretty sure was
delivered to Earth on a stone tablet from an alien planet where NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE.
22. Although you manage to get your code to work for reasons that seem unknown and vacant.
22. Although you manage to get your code to work for reasons that seem unknown and vacant.
23. But you love what you do and nothing in the world can change that.
23. But you love what you do and nothing in the world can change that.